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    Frequently Asked Questions


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    Delivery Information

    By default, the last used shipping address will be saved into to your account. When you are checking out your order, the default shipping address will be displayed and you have the option to amend it if you need to.

    The instructions to activate your account will be sent to your email once you have submitted the registration form. If you did not receive this email, your email service provider’s mailing software may be blocking it. You can try checking your junk / spam folder or contact us at [email protected]

    Customers should expect to receive their orders within five (5) to ten (10) working days upon payment verification depending on the volume of orders received.

    If you experience delays in receiving your order, contact us immediately and we will help to confirm the status of your order.

    Returns & Refunds

    We take such matters very seriously and will look into individual cases thoroughly. Any sample that falls under the below categories should not be thrown away before taking photo proof and emailing the photo of the affected sample and your D.O (Delivery Order) to us at [email protected] (if applicable).

    We regret to inform you that no refunds will be given for orders that fall under the below categories.

    1. In the event of damaged samples received, we will require photo proof of the affected samples and your D.O (Delivery Order) in order for us to investigate and review before a decision is made to re-send the sample to you at no cost, subject to availability. In light of this, any sample that falls into this category should not be thrown away before taking photo proof and emailing the photo to us at [email protected]

    2. In the event of lost mail, we will try to locate the delivery team and if there’s a clear indication that your order is indeed lost, we’ll re-send the order to you at no cost, subject to availability.

    After logging into your account, go to your Shopping Cart. Here, you will be able to make a payment or cancel your order. Note: We cannot give refunds once payment is verified.

    Returns & Refunds

    Product ordering is on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. To ensure that you get your desired products, it is recommended that you make your payment within 60 minutes of checking out.

    At the moment, we only accept Cash on Delivery, Bank Transfer, Easy Paisa & Jazz Cash.

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